Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Talking a good game can lead to a demand performance!

Day 3 in Korea, (What a difference a day makes)

Taught my first classes today. Whatever--on to the interesting part:

So... You know that saying "walk softly and carry a big stick"? Well, I need to walk softer. In an effort to contribute to the staff room environment, I've chipped in on a lot of conversations about teaching strategies and approaches to curriculum. Because of my CELTA training, I tend to reach for a lot of five dollar words when I talk about this stuff, which apparently makes me sound like an authority (in spite of my express disclaimers to the contrary).
As of tomorrow afternoon, I am to jump on to a new project--curriculum development for a teacher training course.

"Master, moving stones around is one thing, this is totally different!" --Luke Skywalker

So, tomorrow I shall walk bravely into a meeting where I will review the existing syllabus and set about supplementing it and contributing to the Math and Science curriculum. At least I'll be able to talk it up on my resume!! :P

Good thing I'm cocky (and in denial!), or I'd be pulling my hair out and nursing a nice warm ulcer right about now...


  1. Excellent Sean! Remember what Gerrald told us in CELTA class - always say "Yes"! He would be so proud of you.

  2. baby. . . i have no words. i don't know if i should be overly proud or sending you a lifeline. you're crazy, you're insane and i knew your cockiness would get you far.
    and remember:
    "Do or do not... there is no try."

  3. One thing I have learned after attending a lot of meetings..if you stick your head up, you'll end up on a committee! Not that there's anything wrong with that..

  4. just so you know with cirque its slightly different. if you fail to attend a meeting you get nominated!!! that's why sound and props havce to set up the artistic floor!
